The benchmark among uPVC windows: Slender, attractive lines, a comfortable atmosphere combined with energy savings.

uPVC windows are generally far more affordable than wooden ones when it comes to costs of material. They are often the first choice for customers who need to keep on eye on their budget or people looking for an inexpensive alternative on a renovation project. You can make up for the reduced stiffness of the material with specially designed profiles or reinforcement. This means there are virtually no limits here, even with unusual shapes (corners or curves). Something that might interest lovers of individualised design: uPVC windows offer greater variety here thanks to the option of fitting aluminium shells outside or inside the home or using decorative films, including some in imitation wood!
With uPVC windows from Gaulhofer you get a quality high-tech product that is built to last – even when exposed to harsh climates or tough stress levels. Such durable A1 quality is guaranteed by Gaulhofer's uPVC window and door factory based at Mäder in Vorarlberg. Experienced, highly trained production workers use state-of-the-art equipment to manufacture true masterpieces of technology, which are furthermore characterised by first-rate environmental performance: uPVC windows are firstly made from recycled materials and secondly, can always be recycled again, so bringing them full circle. This reduces CO2 emissions and is kind to both the climate and the environment.
- attractive, more affordable investment
- wide variety of designs possible through flexibility
- extensive range of finishes
- easy to care for and clean
- no repainting required
- even more durable with aluminium cover shell
- sliding cover shell connections
- made of recycled materials
- simple to recycle again