Absolute darkness and guaranteed sun protection factor 100 – roller shutters are the complete solution.





With roller shutters it is possible to plunge the room into absolute darkness at one fell swoop – even if there's brilliant sunshine outside. You can however adjust the amount of light admitted in fine graduations. The roller shutter likewise scores points with its energy balance. It offers unbeatable protection from heat and cold and thus significantly contributes to the overall energy reduction. Last but not least, the roller shutter also improves the soundproofing effect of your windows – disturbances from noisy neighbours or road traffic are muffled. And something many people forget: Roller shutters optimise your protection from burglars, particularly in the case of windows and balcony doors, which are traditionally seen as the weak spots for break-ins.


Front-mounted roller shutters from Gaulhofer are installed, as the name indicates, in front of the window, so making them an attractive option for retrofitting or renovation work. This avoids heat bridges over the window as the building envelope remains intact. Repairs can also be made to front-mounted roller shutters quickly and neatly. All interventions or maintenance work are performed on the exterior without impairing or interfering with the building itself.


Gaulhofer top-mounted roller shutters are installed over the window, built into the wall opening with the window. This means the shutter has perfect protection and is above all "invisible". We distinguish here between elements made from synthetic material with a polystyrene insulating shell on the inside and those made of rigid polyurethane foam. Both types of roller shutter are characterised by optimum heat insulation values. An insect guard can also be incorporated here.


as protection against burglary

Roller shutters optimise your protection from burglars, particularly in the case of windows and balcony doors, which are traditionally seen as the weak spots for break-ins.

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